Eileen’s Sewing Center was moved to a former classroom that was completely transformed.   With funds provided by Susan Walters, Mama Jane was able to purchase 5 new treadle sewing machines, a serger machine and upon Susan’s insistence, an iron and ironing board.   She also sent over material and supplies.  Becky’s Mom, Polly, sent a huge box of accessories and Dana Lang sent supplies as well.   The Center was dedicated in memory of Eileen Deveaney and her children now wear aprons and carry bags made by the girls. When not in use, the machines are rented to neighbors to generate revenue for the orphanage.

When we visited Eileen’s Sewing Center in 2023, we brought with us cases of supplies from Joann Fabric and Crafts coordinated by Alex Stetka.   Susan Walters again helped fund supplies for the sewing center.  The girls were busy making aprons, bags and clothes to sell at Helen’s Closet.   They are now able to generate enough income making the sewing center self-sufficient.